Saturday, May 22, 2010


Welcome, everyone, to this new and exciting chapter in my life. I am dedicating one day a week to write very simple ways you can change your daily habits to make your life a little “greener”. People tend to think of being environmentally friendly as a waste of time, or that it takes too much effort. I would like to try to change this “convenient = disposable” society, into one that is more conscious of their impact on our planet. Please join me every week to find news ways to do this so we can all collectively make a positive change on our effects on OUR environment.

Now, I am FAR from perfect when it comes to being eco-friendly. I am not a vegetarian, although I have started to eat less meat. I don’t drive a hybrid, but I hope to in the future. I wear leather shoes, and I don’t live on an eco-compound in some small shack with no electricity. But I am aware of how to off-set the way that I live in order to make less of a negative impact.

I still would like to learn how to compost, and start a garden, and eventually even get solar and wind power in my home. But this is a process and it will take time to make all the changes that I’d like to in order to live truly “green”. Making a change for the better doesn’t have to be all or nothing. Each of us can make a difference by making small steps in the right direction.

So please join me every week for a new eco-tip. I’d like your feedback on whether making this change makes sense to you, or why you’re opposed to it, or just plain don’t feel like doing it. I’d really like to dig deeper into those of you who have never had the inclination to do anything environmentally friendly. What’s holding you back?

For those of you who have followed me on Facebook, some of these eco-tips will be familiar to you but I will be “recycling” them in order to share the info with non-FB users. I will try to be more in-depth with the tips since FB only allows me a small space to do so.

Thanks everyone!

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